• mentors I've never met

    Mentors I’ve Never Met

    Mentors are amazing. These people influence our lives and change our perspectives. They take the time to teach, advise, counsel, and train—what a gigantic blessing. I can think of many people throughout my life that I would consider mentors. There’s Florence, the wonderfully patient 96 year old woman who taught me how to knit, or Margueritte, one of my first bosses when I went back into the work world after years as a stay at home mom. She taught me about “rechoosing” rather than changing your mind. Mentors & Teachers of the Digital Age In this digital age, we are lucky enough to choose mentors from various people who share…

  • Tips for Frugal living

    Elegant Economy ~ How to Live Well on Less

    I would be remiss in my journey of learning contentment if I didn’t talk about finances. All those words that spring to mind—saving money, frugal living, economical, simple living, thrifty, budgeting—some are decidedly more appealing than others. But the most charming expression for dealing with this topic comes from a favorite book, Cranford, by Elizabeth Gaskell. The term, “elegant economy” is described by the narrator as something practiced with fervor by the genteel middle aged widows & spinsters living in a sleepy little village in the middle of the 19th century. The story glides gently along, but the daily lives and wonderfully vivid personalities and quirks of these worthy women…