• Embroidery Thread Organization

    Embroidery Thread Organization

    I can’t claim any particular embroidery thread organization genius or hack that will change your life. But there’s something immensely satisfying in taking something that is a mess and organizing it. I’m not a particularly organized or tidy person, but even I find that creating order out of chaos, however simple or small the project may be, is rewarding and comforting. This is especially true when there is disorder in other areas of my life. So I hope this post will give you a hint of inspiration and a little motivation to tackle one of your own organization projects.   Before & After Embroidery Thread Organization Boy, what a mess! I…

  • sewing kit hussif

    Hussif Sewing Kit Project

    I have been inspired recently by 18th & 19th century hussifs (sometimes called housewife) and I wanted to make one for myself. You might be thinking, what is a hussif?! A hussif (or housewife) is a sewing kit originally carried by soldiers in the 18th & 19th century as part of their kit. It held needles, thread, and scraps of fabric for mending their clothing and could be quite simple or elaborate. Learn more about how I find inspiration and the book that started it all. Plan Your Hussif Sewing Kit One of the best things about designing your own projects is the ability to make it exactly the way…

  • The Pocket A Hidden History of Women's Lives

    Book Review ~ The Pocket: A Hidden History of Women’s Lives

    The history of the tie on pocket from the 1660’s to 1900 may not seem to have wide appeal or a broad audience, but for those interested in fashion history and the social politics of gender and class of the time period, I can highly recommend this book. It is full of details, not just about the pockets and what they contained, but also their role in the tumultuous dynamic between genders and class.  I have a passing and amateur interest in fashion history, but what I enjoyed most about this book was the glimpse into the every day lives of women of all classes. Usually the story of the…

  • Finding Inspiration

    Finding Inspiration

    Finding inspiration for creative pursuits can be a challenge, especially in times of stress or emotional turmoil. It can feel like searching for the proverbial needle in a haystack or like trying to find a pen in the depths of your handbag. Somehow it always manages to hide even though you know there’s a pen in there somewhere and your purse isn’t that big.    Brewing a Cup of Inspiration When I stop to consider when and how the creative spark comes or doesn’t, the common denominator for me seems to be “thinking time”. The time to create is an obvious part, but I’m talking about something different.  I like…

  • knitted handwarmers

    Knitting, Netflix, & Hand Warmers

    Let me start by saying that I am a completely amateur knitter. I do things my own way and am not by any stretch a perfectionist when it comes to knitting or sewing or probably most things. So with that disclaimer out of the way, I can share the perils of combining knitting and Netflix. I know there are many knitters that can combine these 2 things with ease and come out with a perfect knitted item. But alas, I am not one of those knitters. The Perils of Combining Knitting & Netflix I decided to make a pair of fingerless gloves or hand warmers for my daughter. I pulled…