• Tips for Frugal living

    Elegant Economy ~ How to Live Well on Less

    I would be remiss in my journey of learning contentment if I didn’t talk about finances. All those words that spring to mind—saving money, frugal living, economical, simple living, thrifty, budgeting—some are decidedly more appealing than others. But the most charming expression for dealing with this topic comes from a favorite book, Cranford, by Elizabeth Gaskell. The term, “elegant economy” is described by the narrator as something practiced with fervor by the genteel middle aged widows & spinsters living in a sleepy little village in the middle of the 19th century. The story glides gently along, but the daily lives and wonderfully vivid personalities and quirks of these worthy women…

  • table setting china silver

    Table Settings ~ Pulling Out the Pretties

    There’s something so satisfying about pulling out all my pretties and actually getting to use them. I love the idea of using my best china and silver for every day, but I’m too lazy to wash the dishes by hand all the time. Every once in awhile though, it’s worth it! Setting the table with special dishes, silverware, and linens fills me with an unreasonable amount of joy. I’ll admit I’m not really that great at making fabulous table settings–I just love all my pretties and the memories they represent. I am definitely not a minimalist and with two hutches filled with china, silver, linens, and the like, the most…

  • table setting

    Table Manners ~ Lessons from the Past

    Table manners and etiquette tips from the past can be as useful today as they were 100 years ago. I have a couple of useful table manners tips from various sources and time periods ranging from the 1850’s to the 1960’s. Some of the advice will sound strange and formal to our uber casual sensibilities, but I think if we dig a little deeper to find the core purpose behind some of these guidelines, we’ll be able to apply the principles to our modern manners. If our actions are rooted in the desire to promote the comfort, convenience, and pleasure of those around us, we will invariably be on the…

  • Manners and Etiquette

    Why Manners Still Matter

    How to Not Be a Jerk – Etiquette Tips for the Holidays People are jerks. I’m sure most of us have been both on the receiving end of rudeness and, unfortunately, the giving end. It seems like the difficulties of this year have given people license to behave with appallingly bad manners and a lack of common decency towards their fellow human beings.  Taking a peek at some of the etiquette and manners wisdom from years gone by can help us to reevaluate some of the habits that have turned us all in to a bunch of mean girls from high school.  “Fanny Reaching” as described in the Oregon College…

  • tea for 1

    Tea Party for 1…

    There are some days where the only thing to do is have a little tea party with yourself. When I am feeling drab or a little flat, nothing cheers me up like a little tea party. I’m not talking about a teabag thrown into a mug–I mean a full scale fancy teapot, bone china cup, loose tea, sugar, cream, and maybe even something tasty to eat all on a pretty tray. I know it sounds like a lot of work especially if you are already feeling a bit low, but there is something about taking the trouble to do something that makes you feel special.

  • The Lost Art of Dress

    The Lost Art of Dress ~ A Book Review

    One of the hazard of my former job at the Library is that I can never keep up with my “to read” list. The latest book that I just finished and thoroughly enjoyed was called The Lost Art of Dress: The Women Who Once Made America Stylish by Linda Przybyszewski. It’s a fascinating mix of early 20th century history and an overview of the principles taught by the so called “Dress Doctors”. I learned quite a bit about everyday American fashion in the 20th century as well as the history of home economics courses and books that taught women about style and fashion. I also was inspired to dress a…