Chanel No. 5 has been my favorite perfume for many years. In my 20’s, an interest in vintage style and fashion introduced me to the iconic scent and I have loved it ever since. It makes me feel classy and elegant and catching a whiff makes me feel like a more put together version of myself. But somewhere along the way, I began hoarding the perfume and instead of wearing it, I saved it for special occasions only. I ended up saving a single bottle for over 10 years–sniffing it occasionally but never wearing it or spraying it.
Then, last year something shifted. I started wearing my Chanel No. 5 again and every time I did, it made me smile. Regularly enjoying a beautiful scent brought a change in the way I approached other areas of my life. Here are 5 things I learned from wearing Chanel No. 5 every day.
1. Sometimes Cheaper Is More Expensive

It’s funny how easy it is to buy 5 cheap perfumes that are “meh” rather than the one I know I love. I’ve probably spent thousands of dollars over the years buying things I didn’t really love because I was “saving” money. More often than I care to admit, these items are given away, shoved into some back closet, or thrown away. Curbing impulse buys has been one of the most effective ways for me to reset my warped perception of value. If I stop and think about the purchase, and weigh it against the wish list I’ve been saving for, I’m more likely to put it back on the shelf or rack.
2. Quality Over Quantity
This idea has been around for a long time and makes so much sense. I’ve always believed it in theory, but it’s taken me awhile to put it in practice. I think it feeds off the first point of it being easier to justify smaller expenses even if they are lower quality and you don’t like them as much. This is especially true when you are on a strict budget and don’t have the cash to purchase the higher quality item right away. The delayed gratification of saving up to buy what you really want requires more thought and willpower. And just like other muscles in the body, thought and willpower require effort, practice, and diligence to grow. This same principle applies to all kinds of things–from perfume, shoes, and other material things to less tangible things like time.
3. Little Things Can Make a Big Difference
When I find myself saving my “best” leggings (who even wears real pants anymore?!) for a potential outing to the grocery store and instead reach for my regular leggings that are threadbare and full of holes, I have to laugh at myself. Something as simple as putting on decent leggings, wearing my favorite shoes (my red converse!), or putting on lipstick, shifts my mood. Sometimes it’s the small things that can shift a whole mindset. No more holey leggings for me!

4. Where There's a Will, There's a Way
If it’s important to me, then I will find a way. If wearing my favorite scent is important to me, then I will save money in other areas to be able to afford it. This is not an excuse to get into debt for things you want!
It’s all about prioritizing what’s important and allocating my resources accordingly. I find myself going along with whatever’s easiest even if it doesn’t align with my priorities. That could be in my purchases, the way I spend my time, or even how I handle relationships. I have been learning that it’s okay to prioritize the relationships that matter most to me. I can save my time and emotional energy (just like I would save my money for an important purchase) for the relationships I value most.
5. Make Every Day Special

What makes a day special? What must it include to qualify as special? Do I need to see certain people? Do something out of the ordinary?
I’ve decided that when I wear my favorite leggings, drink my favorite tea, and don my Chanel No. 5, it is a special day, regardless of whatever else the day may hold.
I had gotten in the habit of hoarding more than just my Chanel No. 5. I would save all my “special” things or “pleasures” for some unknown future day that would somehow be better and more special than today. I would subconsciously categorize my belongings into sections: “everyday” & “best” and never use or enjoy my favorites because I am saving them. For what? A someday that’s never today. I saved things until they went bad, out of style, or I stopped liking them. They became useless without ever being used. How sad is that?!
But wearing my favorite perfume every day has helped me learn to enjoy simple pleasures again. And that in turn has helped me to recapture joy in other areas. It is foolish to wait for a special someday when I will finally be able to have and be all that I hope. Learning to find joy right now, where I am at is a beautiful thing.
A Few Favorite Things
Here are a few favorite things that I’ve been enjoying recently. Some I’ve shared in past posts and a few I added that I mentioned or pictured in this post. * Some of the links below and on other posts are affiliate links. I may receive a commission if you purchase it using the link provided at no additional cost to you
A few of my favorite teas of the moment Cozy Winter Teas
Some of my favorite books and authors can be found in Jane Austen Readalikes Part 1 & Jane Austen Readalikes Part 2
I like to get my Chanel fragrance straight from Chanel. The packaging is lovely and makes me feel even more special. Chanel No. 5 Fragrance
My favorite shoes of the moment Red Converse Shoes
Somehow writing in my journal with a special pen elevates everything from a grocery list to my musings on my next post. My current fav pens Sharpie Fine Point Pens