January is a time when I often feel a little bleak. There is no particular reason except the cold rainy weather and the bare trees seem naked and gloomy. As I write this, I am watching a bird cling to the bare branches of a tree blowing furiously in the wind. I mentally cheer it on. “You’ve got this! Keep hanging on!” Maybe I am talking to myself, too. At times when I feel a bit windblown by life, it’s nice to think of things I can look forward to and spend some time appreciating the beauty of simple things.
Soon I’ll begin to watch for the green blades of daffodils and tulips emerging. I’ve already noticed some in neighboring yards, but there are none in my yard yet. My camellia bush has round fat buds though I know they won’t open until February. I have a bit longer to wait, but the expectation of spring and the new growth that comes with enthusiasm and abundance is enough to lift my spirits.

It also doesn’t hurt to help things along a bit, especially on a cold, blustery January day. I don’t often buy fresh flowers, but somehow during this time of year, it feels more necessary. I bought some tulips from the grocery store yesterday, and every time I pass the kitchen, I see their bright cheerful blooms. It makes me smile for no other reason than they are beautiful.
I encourage you today to take some time to appreciate the beauty in something simple and if you are feeling like that bird clinging to the branch, Hang on! You got this!