I am working on my last round of Jane Austen Readalikes, but it was such a nice day today that I had to take a minute and appreciate the roses in my garden. There is something very special about roses in September in Southern Oregon. They will keep blooming on into November, but September is their last big show where they pull out all the stops. The bushes are so laden with blooms that they have a hard time staying upright.
Bursting with Blooms
Spring always brings such joy and and is pregnant with possibilities. But early fall in Southern Oregon always feels a little sad to me. The days are still quite warm most of the time and the garden is bursting with blooms and buds. Some days you might not even know that fall is supposed to be around the corner. But there is something about the way the light has changed. And the nights have cooled off just enough. I know that all of the vibrant color that I have begun to take for granted will start to die back.

It reminds me to appreciate all the beauty while I can and not take for granted a single bloom. Soon enough January will be here and I will long for signs of life in the garden.

I am inspired by the way all sorts of flowers and plants in the garden bloom with all their might this time of year. Winter is coming, but they give it all they’ve got. I could learn a thing or two from my September roses…