In the past 6 months I have been trying to eat healthier and exercise more. In the past that would have meant hitting the gym hard and trying (for about 2 minutes) the latest diet advice: low-fat, carb-free, sugar-free, dairy-free, gluten-free (yeah right! None of those are ever going to happen!) I can’t stick to any of that advice because I enjoy food too much. I love a loaf of crusty sourdough, a hunk of tasty cheese or a slab of gorgeous chocolate cake. However, eating giant portions of them regularly is not exactly waistline friendly. Cutting back and making better food choices- that’s doable. Walking the dogs every night- I think I can manage that.

My favorite healthy summer breakfast involves a few tasty ingredients: a few strawberries, a peach, 1/4 – 1/3 cup greek vanilla yogurt, and a handful of cereal (my favorite it Special K Vanilla & Almond).
Usually this breakfast is under 200 calories and super tasty. I’ll admit it isn’t exactly low in sugar but, I’m never ever going to eat plain yogurt with it (blech!) I think recognizing the limits I am willing to go (plain yogurt crosses that line!) has actually helped me in my quest to be healthier. It’s the small choices that I know I can stick with that have made the difference.